
Type profile:
An Italian clothing and apparel manufacturing company produces customized products related to sportswear, classic and corporate clothing, workwear and fashion garments. They design, project, manufacture and customize each client's requests. The company is interested in creating manufacturing agreements with international clients to expand their business in the textile industry worldwide. They are also looking for outsourcing agreements.
Profile ID:
Profile type:
Business offer
Latest update:
05/11/2018 01:01:12 am
A Polish SME has developed a service to support sales representatives in the field based on the Sales Force Automation Software (SFA),via a smart phone. The system is designed to co-operate with the customer's business systems such as finance and accounting systems, warehouse systems, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) integrated systems. The company is looking for partners through license agreement.
Profile ID:
Profile type:
Business offer
Latest update:
05/11/2018 01:01:09 am
A Serbian company has developed a device that removes the defects in the sound of the electric guitar over which the distortion is applied. The advantages with respect to the existing solutions are the intensity of the tone is controlled by a musician who is able to perform the sections with different dynamics as well as the integration of additional effects. The company is interested in license, financial, and commercial agency agreement.
Profile ID:
Profile type:
Business offer
Latest update:
05/11/2018 01:00:57 am